Combine Pushpay and Servant Keeper to Engage Your Congregation Every Day of the Week

Pushpay’s integration with Servant Keeper 8 makes it easier than ever for churches to take full advantage of these two world-class platforms. Make digital giving a breeze while maintaining data accuracy through our API integration.

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Pushpay and Servant Keeper

A Complete Giving and Engagement Solution That’s Fully Integrated with Servant Keeper

    • Keep using the reports you love. Continue to manage your contributions using the same processes you already have.
    • World-Class Security and Support - Pushpay’s platform is supported by more than 90 software engineers and their customers are cared for by over 100 support team members.
    • Manage EVERY payment. Virtual Terminal allows digital, cash, and checks payments to be entered into Pushpay and synced with Servant Keeper

This was an easy integration. The customer service is amazing.

Shawn Sanseverino
Executive Pastor | The Grace Place A G

Pushpay is trusted by thousands of churches like...