1 in 5 Priests
The National Association of Catholic Theological Schools and the Center for Applied Research reported that one in five priests were either “somewhat dissatisfied” or “very dissatisfied” in their place of ministry. Among the top six reasons for dissatisfaction was having “too much work and feeling burnt out.”

Doing More With Less
Burnout and dissatisfaction doesn’t have to dominate your life in ministry. Learn how good church technology can reduce those pains, help you work smarter in ministry, and ultimately save you time and resources so you can be efficient and effective.

Believe In Your Staff
Your team is your best asset and your best support. Learn why it’s important to rely on them and why they’re more prepared to learn new tech than you might think.

Parish Stewardship In Action
Learn how the finance team at a large parish was able to reduce the amount of time they spent on Annual Giving Statements and spent the remainder of their time serving in the Food Pantry, an amazing ministry that serves 17,000 people annually.