Brand New Ebook: 5 Bad Habits that Kill Church Growth (and How to Break Them)

There’s no quick fix growth strategy for churches, but these are 5 things you should avoid at all cost.

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When Jesus gave the church the commission to make disciples, he gave us growth as a metric.

When Jesus gave the church the commission to make disciples, he gave us growth as a metric.

Part of the disciple-making process is inspiring people to make more disciples. Hopefully our churches are places where people are coming to learn what it means to follow Jesus.

In this free ebook you'll gain practical resources for positively influencing church growth like:

  • Tips for identifying a church audience that fits your culture
  • A list of questions that will guide you in finding this audience
  • A guide to creating a strategy to reach your desired church audience

It’s not that we want to grow for growth’s sake or that we want to build the largest edifice with the biggest budget. We want to create a life-giving culture that points people to Christ and releases them to share his message of reconciliation with the world.

It’s completely natural, however, that churches sometimes internalize and exhibit characteristics that challenge their ability to grow. Our desire isn’t to shame struggling churches! We want to help with the sometimes difficult process of self evaluation, and hopefully point out some fixes that can get them back on track.

We have so many Millennials who come to Zoe church, and they don't have checkbooks. About 85% to 90% of our church gives digitally, so you’ve got to make it easy for people to give. Pushpay has allowed us to do that.

Chad Veach

Chad Veach
Lead Pastor at ZOE Church