Wait—Don’t Buy Any Church Technology Without Reading This First

Discover the keys to finding, evaluating, and buying church technology (that actually works the way it’s supposed to)

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 The Church Technology Buyer's Guide

Bad Technology. What is It Good For? (Absolutely Nothing)

Right now, you’re reading this web page on a device you likely didn’t own 10 years ago. Think about it: How long have you had the computer or phone you’re currently looking at? Chances are that while the Nokia brick you owned a decade ago is still working (and still has 96% battery life), you’re probably not using it today.

Technology is changing, fast. And we constantly make adjustments and upgrades to keep up. For you, that might be as simple as buying the latest phone from Apple. But for your church? That’s a whole different story.

The reality is, while church technology has changed, the processes by which churches evaluate their technology have remained mostly the same. In fact, that last sentence might surprise you, because your church probably doesn’t have a process for evaluating tech yet. Well, if that’s true, you’re not alone. But you need one. You need a process for buying church technology that covers things like:

  • How to know when your old systems are costing you more than an upgrade
  • Who to ask (and who not to ask) about your buying decision
  • How to measure return on investment (and why it matters for your church)
  • The key to knowing what your church’s actual tech needs are
  • And more!

That’s why we wrote this free guide, The Church Technology Buyer’s Guide. It’s a distillation of wisdom and best practices from the thousands of churches we’ve been able to work with. And it’s everything you need to create or update your church’s technology buying process.

Download Your Free Copy Now >>>>

At North Point we are always looking for ways to partner instead of pioneer. With Pushpay we found a partner who understands giving in the local church and handles it the way that we would if we were in their place.

Rick Holliday

Rick Holliday
Executive Director of Ministry Services at North Point Ministries