A simple yet powerful, step-by-step guide to prepare you for your biggest Christmas yet
According to LifeWay, 91% of Americans celebrate Christmas, regardless of their religious convictions. Why? Because Christmas is a wonderful time of reflection and celebration of family, hope, and new beginnings. That means almost everyone will be looking for a place to worship on Christmas morning.
And many are going to visit your church for the first time.
While you’re busy planning for a Christmas service to celebrate with your church family:
- How are you planning to embrace eager first-time visitors?
- What will you do to engage newcomers and encourage return visits?
- Do you know if your follow-up strategy is working, and how it can be improved?
The truth is, what happens after newcomers first step foot in your building may determine if Christmas morning will be their first of many visits or their last.
That’s why thorough and well-thought out preparations for Christmas matters.
It’s a lot to plan for, and will likely take weeks of staff meetings and hard work to pull off. So we created the free ebook,
How To Prepare For Your Best Christmas Yet (Guide + Checklist). Use this guide to plan for every possible contingency and take a critical look at your visitor outreach strategy. At every stage of planning, ensure that pre- and post-Christmas efforts help keep newcomers and your regular community engaged.