A step-by-step guide to getting CARES Act assistance

How churches can receive assistance quickly

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A step-by-step guide to getting CARES Act assistance

A step-by-step guide to getting CARES Act assistance

The rapid spread of COVID-19 has forced churches across the nation to close their doors. Many have been able to quickly shift to a digital strategy to stay connected, and as you and your church continue to navigate the impacts this is having on your community, we are looking for every opportunity to equip you with resources to help.

Now that the government recently passed the “Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act” or the “CARES Act”, we know that $349B was set aside to specifically help churches, nonprofits, and Christian schools that are 501c3s, and small businesses. But the money will go FAST!

In partnership with Vanderbloemen, a strategic partner of Pushpay, we have put together a checklist to help churches understand what this bill means for you, and how you can apply for assistance as quickly as possible.

Download our checklist today to learn how you and your team can quickly take advantage of funds to help you through this unprecedented time.