Free Webinar:
Seven Steps to Make Drama-Free Changes at Your Church

2020 - The Year of Congregational Backlash

In a perfect world, everyone would agree with your plans, and changes would happen seamlessly. But if you’ve been in ministry for any amount of time, you know that that “perfect world” is more like a fictional utopia.

This year, pastors and church leaders have spent countless hours crafting the right plans for their ministries, only to be met with loud voices of disapproval from members of their congregation.

In this 60-minute free webinar, we’re going to walk through seven steps that you can take to evaluate any changes your church is facing.

Get instant Access!

John Staub

Brand Development Manager
for Remodel Health

Jared Fritz

Strategic Partnerships manager
at Pushpay

Here’s what you can expect to learn:

  • How to make decisions that are rooted in your mission
  • How to consider the timing of your changes
  • How to evaluate what doors you’re closing by making a change