The State of Catholic Church Tech
Pushpay’s 2023 State of Church Tech Catholic report revealed that parish leaders are actively investing in digital tools more than ever before, and are searching for a balance of in-person and livestreaming solutions that are right for the Catholic Faith.Since 2021, the number of parishes livestreaming Mass and worship services has remained constant at 84%, and streaming ranks among the top tools leaders are “extremely satisfied” with. Join our panelists as they discuss the latest trends and what this means for the future of the Church.

Featured Panel

Pastor at Solano Catholic Church
Fr. Duy Le
Fr. Duy has seen the Church evolve in the last decade as a priest in the Diocese of Orange and in recent years serving as pastor at Solano Catholic Church. He brings a wealth of experience to the panel conversation about the journey to ministry excellence.

Creative Director at Life Teen International
David Calavitta
David’s passion is to lead people to a life-changing encounter with the beauty and presence of Christ. He has worked with various parish youth and young adult ministries for over 20 years and, in 2012, began traveling around the country sharing his love for Christ and the Church. He currently serves as the Director of Creative and Marketing for Life Teen International, a leading youth ministry organization focused on reviving and growing the young Church. Join the conversation to hear his fresh perspective on the future of the Church.

ParishStaq Account Executive at Pushpay
Anthony Welch
Before joining Pushpay, Anthony spent six years as a Franciscan Friar. He’s passionate about equipping the Church for future generations, and in this day and age, equipping leaders with software that makes their work easier and more effective for Apostolic mission. His passion for the Church fuels his work at Pushpay today, and we’re excited for you to hear from him as he hosts this vital conversation on the state and future of the Catholic Church.