Free Webinar: When Good Stewardship Goes Wrong

Discover the hidden cost of the biggest stewardship mistakes churches are still making (and what you can do about it)

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3 Strategies For Your Most Generous December Yet

How Most Churches Get Stewardship Wrong (And What Your Church Can Do To Get It Right)

What do you think of when you hear the word “stewardship?” If you’re like most of us, you immediately think giving when you see the word—but the concept means so much more.

Of course, giving is a part of stewardship, but the two words aren’t synonymous. And when churches only think about stewardship in the context of giving, they often overlook some of the greatest resources they have to steward. And that comes at a cost—overlooked areas where churches have so much room for growth.

That’s why we’re bringing you this free training about stewardship. Join Jim Sheppard from Generis and Jared Fritz from Pushpay as they discuss things like….

  • The biggest resource most churches overlook (hint: it’s not your budget)
  • The lack of clarity and consistency in the way we think and teach about stewardship
  • What the Bible says stewardship is—and isn’t.
  • Why good stewardship doesn’t just mean people need to give more (or spend less)
  • And so much more

You can view this free training today!